September 8, 2024 ZA Board Meeting Minutes

Members in Attendance: Daniel Lockley, Mandy Walker-LaFollette, Tendai Muparutsa, Heather Steele, Maria Minnaar Bailey, Alex Weeks, Adrienne Stewart
Members Absent: Michael Sibanda
Non-voting members in attendance: Claire Jones
Meeting lead: Alex
Notes taker: Mandy
Was a quorum of Board members present?: Yes

August Notes/Minutes


Board Presidency (All)

Alex is officially stepping down as Board President. The Board would like to thank him for his years of excellent service! He will be missed. (Alex will stay on the board in an official capacity.)

Our system of rotating presidency will start in October 2024.

Official Presidential Nomination/Vote (All)

Adrienne moves to elect Maria as president of the Board, Alex seconds, and the Board has a consensus. Maria will begin the system of rotating presidency with a 4 month term. The Board would like to thank Maria for taking this on!

Board Membership (All)

The Board reviewed a spreadsheet with ideas for potential members, and discussed other possibilities.

There is a call to action for potential Board members in Alex’s letter to the community about his resignation.

Daniel (Membership Queen) Leaving Board + Transition Plan (All)

Daniel will update the Membership Queen duties document to help onboard the next Membership Queen. He will stay on the board in an official capacity.

Duplicate Membership Issues (Daniel)

Duplicate members have been reached out to, and Jake Roberts has taken care of the technical aspects.

Zimfest 2025 Update (Claire, Heather)

CWU (Claire): Conference Services is now unable to confirm with us for 2025 at this time as their college administration made the (belated) decision to evaluate the conferences program and its alignment with university priorities.  A new pricing structure is forthcoming in mid-September, and review of all conferences to ensure that adequate resources exist for each program to take place; date for that approval is unknown.

Whitman College (Claire): Given the unknown situation at CWU, Claire re-opened dialogue with Whitman, and they will have space for us in 2025 if needed. They understand we are awaiting word from elsewhere.

U of Idaho (Heather): Heather has had trouble communicating with Hagen Hunsaker, events coordinator for U of I, but hopes to be able to meet with him online next week and will look for an opportunity to go up for a site visit ASAP. Heather or Tendai will communicate with someone in Moscow in hopes of having a local person able to meet in person and help with a site visit.

Webconnex Transition (Heather)

Webconnex (RegFox’s parent company) is switching payment processing services via WePay to using their in-house system.

Jake is handling the technical side of the transition, but needs some information from the “controlling person” for the new account.

When we set this up before (with WePay), Chris Halaska (then-Treasurer) was the “Controlling Person,” so it makes sense for Heather, as current treasurer, to hold this role. Heather will communicate with Jake to get him necessary information.

Next Meeting

Sunday, October 13 at 6:30pm Pacific Time over Zoom.