January 9, 2022 ZA Board Meeting Minutes

January 9, 2022 Zimfest Association Board Meeting Synopsis

Members in Attendance: Daniel Lockley, Jacqueline Fallon, Tendai Muparutsa, Cloud Petayi, Mandy Walker-LaFollette, Janis Weeks, Alex Weeks
Members Absent: Chris Halaska
Non-voting members in attendance: Claire Jones, Jared Fallon-Muparutsa

December Minutes/Synopsis


Membership Drive/New Membership System Follow-Up

13 new members, including 1 lifetime

Revised Bylaws with Gender-Neutral Language

Completed effective 12/31/2021.

COVID Safety Committee Status Update

Blog post discussion: both negative and positive comments on vaccination requirements have been posted. Moderators have removed some posts containing misinformation, but people are free to voice their opinions.

Zimfest 2022 Update

OC has met twice, and welcomed new members following Alex’s post. Local arrangements and Site Coordinator roles filled, but no Concert Producer has been identified. Claire will send a job description to the board for Concert Producer. Additionally, the OC is looking also for a member with graphics skills.

In addition to Fairgrounds and Lincoln Theatre, Mt Vernon Senior Center at the corner of grounds has three meeting rooms rentable on weekends.

Skagit Valley CC, 3.7 miles away, has inexpensive rentable dorm-style apts; we hope to reserve a block for hosting Zimbabweans based in America and non-campers looking for alternatives

Next Meeting

Sunday February 13th, 6:30 pm Pacific time on Zoom