October 13, 2019 ZA Board Meeting Minutes

October 13, 2019 Zimfest Association Board Meeting Synopsis

Members in Attendance: Jacqueline Fallon, Chris Halaska, Daniel Lockley, Tendai Muparutsa, Janis Weeks, Alex Weeks
Members Absent: Mandy Walker-LaFollette
Non-voting member in attendance: Claire Jones

Review/Modify Agenda (All)

Nothing new to add

Approve July Minutes/Synopsis (All)


Review August Minutes/Synopsis (All)

Others will review and approve by email

Approve September Minutes/Synopsis (All)


WOU Bill Debrief (Claire, Chris)

WOU has sent a bill, they gave us a number of discounts in a few categories. There is a discrepancy in the dining charges and Claire has already contacted them.

Zimfest Budget Report (Chris)

A rough estimate as of now – $52,000 in income, paid about $13,000 already. It looks like we may have made a few thousand dollars this year instead of losing some.

Tech Committee Update (Janis, Claire)

Google drive migration: Nora has set up a team drive for us. Basically, this means that there is shared ownership for all of the documents, and they aren’t tied to individual people. Thus they are more difficult to accidentally delete. A strategy is being planned to move all of the existing content over, verify, and delete the existing drive to avoid accidentally using it in the future.

Zimfest 2020 Update (Claire)

  • No response from Evergreen regarding power for outdoor stage locations or meeting to sign an agreement and visit site
  • We had a few responses for special assignment volunteers. We have two people willing to work on local arrangements. Job description tbd
  • We have a donation in the works to work on purchasing some drums for the drumming workshops. We have made do with what we have been able to find but it would be good to have some available that are ours.
  • The travel fellowships were a positive addition this year.
  • A suggestion for new teachers is to have more introduction/orientation on teaching and what is expected, not just showing off.

Next Meeting

Survey results and any resulting action item

Sunday November 10th, 6:30 pm Pacific time on Google Hangouts