January 14, 2024 ZA Board Meeting Minutes

Members in Attendance: Daniel Lockley, Mandy Walker-LaFollette, Tendai Muparutsa, Heather Steele, Maria Minnaar Bailey, Janis Weeks, Alex Weeks, Adrienne Stewart, Alyson Quinn
Members Absent:
Non-voting members in attendance: Claire Jones
Meeting lead: Alex Weeks
Notes taker: Mandy Walker-LaFollette
Was a quorum of Board members present?: Yes

December Minutes/Synopsis

Approved over email.

Interview Michael Sibanda for Board Position (All)

ZA Board interviewed Michael Sibanda as a potential board member. The Board’s consensus was that we would love to have Michael on the board. He was officially invited and he accepted.

Discussion of Bylaws

ZA should review its bylaws annually; Alex will send out a poll to schedule a bylaw committee meeting.

President Job Description (Alex)

As discussed in previous minutes, Alex is stepping down as Board President after 4 years (2 terms). The Zimfest Board President Job Description is finalized.

Those who are contacting potential candidates will do so before the next meeting.

Update on Site Research for 2025 (Adrienne, Claire)

  • Received a packet from WWU (Bellingham). Claire’s main note is that the performance center has had an early curfew in the past that’s not mentioned, and wonders if there is an outdoor venue without a curfew that would work. Adrienne will respond.
  • CWU (Ellensburg): Claire had a productive first communication, but since then it’s been the holidays. Claire reached out last week to get back in touch. Rodeo grounds are an option but Claire hasn’t gone down that road yet.
  • Spokane and nearby: Claire has sent Heather Ward a letter and list of needs to send along to possible venues (Eastern WA, Gonzaga, WSU Pullman, UI Moscow).

Discussion of Five Year Plan/Retreat

  • A nonprofit board retreat can be really valuable to align the vision, and with all our new board members it might be helpful to bring them up to speed. On the other hand, it’s a huge commitment, especially with our current board members being spread out physically.
  • Decision is that we will table the idea for now, but revisit it once we get our new Board President.
  • Virtual board retreats are something we could consider as well.

2024 Organization Budget (by March 1)

  • Are we going to hold online activities (Zoom workshops?)
    • Yes, we should hold Zoom workshops/presentations. Maintaining a presence in people’s minds, and bringing in some income for presenters and ZA, are both great reasons.
    • No performances – there won’t be an appetite for this with live performances in our communities, it’s way more work, and the person who did recording of performances in Zimbabwe is no longer in Zim.
    • Claire will reach out to the OC to regroup and start thinking about this.
  • 2020 was the year we did Zoom workshops, so Claire will share that year’s budget with Gary to inform the 2024 budget.

Claim Form for Visa/Mastercard Settlement (Claire)

  • Background: Zimfest is eligible to claim part of a class settlement from Visa and Mastercard for wrongfully inflating interchange fees.
  • The form needs to be completed by May 31
    • This would involve looking up Visa and Mastercard transactions between 2004-2019
    • Claire will ask Gary if he thinks it’s worth it

WA State Annual Report (Heather)

  • This has been submitted, and Heather knows how to do it for the future.

Year End Fundraising Drive Results

  • Daniel will look into Paypal to see if we got donations after the drive.

Board Member Matrix

  • Filling out a board composition and recruitment matrix can help identify experience strengths and gaps in our Board and inform recruitment priorities. This link has been sent to Board members to fill out.

Google Drive Use

  • Google Drive is something that not everyone has used before, and it can be confusing for those not familiar with it. Janis is willing to give guidance to anyone who wants it.