September 11, 2022 ZA Board Meeting Minutes

September 11, 2022 Zimfest Association Board Meeting Synopsis

Members in Attendance: Daniel Lockley, Mandy Walker-LaFollette, Alex Weeks, Janis Weeks, Jacqueline Fallon, Tendai Muparutsa
Members Absent: Chris Halaska, Cloud Petayi
Non-voting members in attendance: Claire Jones, Trent Fallon-Muparutsa, Jared Fallon-Muparutsa

Review Agenda (All)

August Minutes/Synopsis (All)


HopeFirst Foundation Donation Follow Up (Alex, Claire)

Claire posted a thank-you to the blog:
Alex wrote to Kim personally to thank her and the HopeFirst Foundation for their extreme generosity.

2021 Taxes/Grant Application Follow Up (Cloud, Claire)

Almost done, Alex will follow up with Cloud.

Two Paid Festival Coordinators Discussion (All)

  • Claire has written a doc with proposed Co-coordinator duties (not divvied up), including some of the financial management to be taken over from the treasurer’s duties.
  • Alex: Having 2 co-coordinators is an obvious positive, and clearly is the path forward for keeping the festival viable. However, the issue is making sure we can pay for it. If Claire has fewer other duties, she anticipates being able to look for more grants and sponsorship (and/or having the second coordinator do these things), which would decrease our outgoing costs/increase incoming. We could also potentially increase festival costs. Will look at budget at November meeting to make determinations.

Post-Festival Survey Discussion (All)

A subset of the takeaways we mentioned in the meeting:

  • Lots of positive comments.
  • Many people didn’t like the pre-recorded videos as part of evening concerts. Interest in the idea of them being shown continuously somewhere.
  • Suggestion that travel bursaries be named after departed teachers.
  • Volunteers: need more incentives? This year the OC didn’t have the bandwidth to do raffles and other things we’ve done previously. Make sure to bring those back. Also be more specific about requirements (physical, skill, etc.) in job descriptions, and even more vocal in communications about volunteerism being an expectation.

Zimfest 2023 Site Research

WOU: No openings for 2023. Possibility for future years.
PLU in Tacoma: This is a possibility. We will hopefully know more soon.
OSU, CWU: Will contact.