June 13, 2021 ZA Board Meeting Minutes

June 13, 2021 Zimfest Association Board Meeting Synopsis

Members in Attendance: Daniel Lockley, Jacqueline Fallon, Tendai Muparutsa, Cloud Petayi, Janis Weeks, Mandy Walker-LaFollette, Alex Weeks
Members Absent: Chris Halaska, Drew Turner
Non-voting member in attendance: Claire Jones, Jared Fallon-Muparutsa

Review Agenda (All)

Approve April and May Minutes/Synopsis (All)

Both months are now approved

Recording Rights Update (Mandy)

Making progress on a couple of contracts to be able to use the music on the website.

Treasurer Transition Update (Cloud)

Cloud did have a call with Chris a few weeks ago working on the transition. Chris is working on finishing up a few transactions to pass off to Cloud for a good starting point. Cloud also met with Claire about getting Quickbooks. Will start with 2020 in Quickbooks for better comparing data.

“Partnership Inquiry” Response (Alex)

The board is not in a position to provide assistance.

Zimfest 2021 Update (Claire)

A new volunteer for the virtual marketplace. Blog post is out and already have three responses.

A new blog post will go out tonight – about the program and the upcoming application.

The new website look will also be there for ZF 2021 and what is happening.

Tech Committee Update (Janis, Claire)

Nora is working on application and registration.

Jake, Michael and Alex will help with the broadcast of Zimfest. There can be a scrolling message with the program. They will broadcast to Facebook live.

Reminder about donations – Have button directly to Paypal

Next Meeting

Sunday July 11th, 6:30 pm Pacific time on Zoom