July 14, 2024 ZA Board Meeting Minutes

Members in Attendance: Mandy Walker-LaFollette, Tendai Muparutsa, Heather Steele, Maria Minnaar Bailey, Alyson Quinn
Members Absent: Daniel Lockley, Alex Weeks, Michael Sibanda, Adrienne Stewart
Non-voting members in attendance: Claire Jones
Meeting lead: Maria
Notes taker: Mandy
Was a quorum of Board members present?: Yes

June Notes/Minutes

Approved via email, Mandy will send to Larry Israel ASAP for the website.

Presidency (All)

The Board is continuing its discussions regarding current candidates for Board President. Ideas are still evolving. The Board is still open to considering additional candidates and encourages interested individuals to reach out to .

Membership and Donation Drive Letter (Daniel)

Claire will send to Larry ASAP.

Duplicate Memberships

An issue with duplicated memberships has come to our attention. The membership and RegFox teams are working on a fix and will be reaching out to affected members as soon as possible.

Additionally, several people recently have requested refunds for membership auto-renewal charges, as they didn’t realize the option was automatically selected on the membership registration form. The Board recommends that we remove the automatic auto-renewal on the membership registration. Jake will need to change the membership registration form, and Daniel will need to change the instructions on the website to reflect the change.

Mandy will double check with Jake about making sure WePay being phased out by RegFox will not affect the membership system.

Zimfest 2025 Updates

Adrienne is working on a cost analysis between Whitman and CWU. Whitman is far more expensive; we would still need to pay for outdoor staging and canopies.

WWU (Bellingham, WA) – Claire, Adrienne

  • Claire and Adrienne made a site visit on July 9. Negotiations are underway, need a new budget and proposal from them. Nice shady lawn for outdoor concerts and market; they are saying that Housing cannot provide location of rooms, only numbers and types for our registration. Youth and their chaperones must be in a different building.
  • They need to know by the end of August whether we are moving forward with them in 2025.

Gonzaga (Spokane, WA) – Heather

  • This site will not work: no linens can be provided, and they don’t want to schedule more than around 9 months ahead of time, both of which won’t work for us. Heather has graciously communicated that we decline to move forward with them.

U of I (Moscow, ID) – Tendai, Heather

  • No current updates, but Tendai will be returning in August and will have more information then.