December 12, 2021 ZA Board Meeting Minutes

December 12, 2021 Zimfest Association Board Meeting Synopsis

Members in Attendance: Chris Halaska, Daniel Lockley, Jacqueline Fallon, Tendai Muparutsa, Cloud Petayi, Mandy Walker-LaFollette, Janis Weeks, Alex Weeks
Members Absent:
Non-voting members in attendance: Claire Jones, Jared Fallon-Muparutsa

Review Agenda (All)

End of year membership drive timeline – Daniel will send something out after the meeting to go out soon. The Zimfest announcement will go out first.

Approve and Review the Village Meeting Synopsis

Minutes already approved, Synopsis approved.

Approve November Minutes/Synopsis (All)


Gender-Neutral Bylaws (Janis)

Approved Janis’s changes

Current bylaws reflecting changes approved at the last meeting (11/14/2021)

Version with proposed changes to replace “he or she” with “they/their”.

Follow-up Whether Revised Bylaws Need Be Filed with the State of Washington (Janis)

This is not required.

Zimfest 2022! (Claire)

Zimfest 2022 proposal Skagit Fairgrounds June 24-26 – Joined by tech and OC members – Jake, Mark, Larry

May need to have more discussion around vaccination status and requirements and how to deal with that.

Perhaps rent an AirBnB for Zimbabweans if they are able to come.

What would the mix of indoor/outdoor spaces be with covid concerns? Would we want to try a full festival with workshops and concerts? These buildings would have a better airflow than being in university classroom spaces. Or do we go with a limited workshop schedule?

Evening concerts could be at the fairgrounds but would need to end by 10pm (fairgrounds recommendation)

If this is a wet summer. What would contingency plans be for rain?

Consider requiring vaccinations? Masking inside. Comply with state guidelines. Safety is the primary concern and messaging.

Janis would be on a committee for Covid protocols and keeping an eye on WA state guidelines and messaging, and recruit some other health professionals in the community. Testing on site?

Following Claire’s presentation, and discussion of items listed above, the Board approved going forward with Zimfest 2022 at the Skagit Fairgrounds on June 24-26. It was acknowledged that the Covid pandemic situation at that time can’t be predicted and may impact these plans.

Alex will draft a message to go out before the membership message.

Next Meeting

Sunday January 9th, 6:30 pm Pacific time on Zoom