January 10, 2021 Zimfest Association Board Meeting Synopsis
Members in Attendance: Daniel Lockley, Jacqueline Fallon, Chris Halaska, Tendai Muparutsa, Cloud Petayi, Janis Weeks, Mandy Walker-LaFollette, Alex Weeks
Members Absent: Drew Turner
Non-voting member in attendance: Claire Jones, Jared Fallon-Muparutsa
Review Agenda (All)
Approve December Minutes/Synopsis (All)
Drum Contract Follow-Up
Recently sent out, but no response yet.
Treasurer Duties/Bonding
Looks like it might be expensive. Small group to meet about the bonding.
Holiday Membership Drive Follow-Up (Daniel)
There were about 12 memberships and Daniel sent them each a personal message.
Privacy/Cookie Policy Update (Mandy)
Tl;dr, (too long, didn’t read) it’s live now—probably nothing else to discuss.
Planning for Zimfest in 2021 (All)
There is still a lot of uncertainty around Zimfest activities in 2021, in light of the pandemic, but we should spend some time brainstorming on this topic.
NW FolkLife has already made the decision to go virtual for their 2021 festival, requesting performers to submit applications showing interest in submitting virtual performances
Evergreen –remote learning for winter quarter. No info on spring or summer. Nothing posted on Conference services webpages. I have not contacted them yet this year, feeling we would be bothering them prematurely.
Some have been teaching mbira via video, with everyone else muted so they can play along. It works with teaching one part but when trying to put parts together it doesn’t work as well. Could use a two camera set up to have one video looking at the mbira and be logged in on two devices.
Virtual workshops and concerts over a couple of weekends. One possibility is to use last year’s applicants and reach out to them. We should also keep the option open of not holding any kind of a festival.
Claire will take some ideas back to the organizing committee.
Festival Coordinator Contract
Table for next time. Claire also wants to look at some numbers.
Next Meeting
Sunday February 7th, 6:30 pm Pacific time on Zoom – rescheduled
Thank you ZA Board for keeping the flame alive while we are hunkered down keeping our bodies alive. I look forward to dancing and playing music and singing with you all once the pandemic subsides, and to meeting Jared in person!