October 11, 2020 Zimfest Association Board Meeting Synopsis
Members in Attendance: Daniel Lockley, Jacqueline Fallon, Chris Halaska, Tendai Muparutsa, Janis Weeks, Mandy Walker-LaFollette, Alex Weeks
Members Absent: Drew Turner
Non-voting member in attendance: Claire Jones
Review Agenda (All)
Approve September Minutes/Synopsis (All)
Privacy/Cookie Policy Review (Alex)
Janis will present to the Tech Committee.
Treasurer Follow Up (Claire)
Using Quickbooks would help automate certain things. Using spreadsheets for budgeting is old school. A goal is to divide the tasks up. Need a money manager on-site. Tech Committee can generate the RegFox reports on what people have paid for festival fees. How much of this should stay with the board?
Alex will write a blog post to help search for a treasurer. Treasurer duties: Financial Oversight, Accounting and Reporting, Tax Filing, Festival on-site money management.
Based on our bylaws, we need to have a President, Secretary, and Treasurer. So someone needs to be the “treasurer” on the board. We could potentially outsource the day-to-day accounting and find another person to handle festival on-site money management.
Proposal from Lucky Moyo (Janis)
Proposal to name a Zimfest travel grant after Sekuru Cosmas Magaya, pending Magaya family approval. We will wait for the family’s approval.
Financial Follow Up Items (All)
Chris and Claire have been working on finishing up the taxes.
Next Meeting
Sunday November 8th, 6:30 pm Pacific time on Zoom