December 10, 2017 Zimfest Association Board Meeting Synopsis
Members in Attendance: Rujeko Dumbutshena, Jacqueline Fallon, Chris Halaska, Daniel Lockley, Evelyn Mukwedeya, David Simon, Mandy Walker-LaFollette, Alex Weeks, Janis Weeks
Members Absent:
Non-voting member in Attendance: Claire Jones
Review/Modify Agenda
No updates
Board Member Interview: Mandy Walker-LaFollette (All)
Board interviewed Mandy for a Board member role. They reviewed responsibilities of a Board member with her and asked Mandy several questions around the skills and experience should bring to the team, as well as her thoughts on areas that Zimfest (ZF) could be improved. Some highlights of Mandy’s responses include the following: She has been coming to ZF since she was really little and has helped out her dad out with his booth and has helped with other supportive roles onsite over the years. She has also been a performer. By becoming a member of the Board and the organizing committee (OC), she wants to take a more active role in ensuring that ZF moves forward and keeps happening. Her degree in museum evaluation equips her to help with reviewing the evaluation system of ZF and with interacting with visitors or attendees. She sees herself being a part of the Board for several years. Some festival improvement ideas she provided included improving the consistency of workshops and attendance, drawing more people into the community and getting new people involved in actively organizing the festival.
Board Feedback: Board recognizes that Mandy would be holding roles in the OC and doesn’t want her to get burned out working on both. However, they see the value of having the overlap and like that she seems to be connected with other parts of the community and maybe has some other ways help draw others in. Mandy is confident and has the energy to see both through.
Janis and Alex will stay out of Mandy’s vote. All vote yes for adding Mandy to the board. Welcome Mandy to the board!
Update on Tech Initiative (Alex/Janis)
Most of the work has been done on the teacher and performer applications. We paid for some added features, so that applicants can go in and edit application forms. A fall back plan is to go back to last year software if needed, yes, it will be a pain but it is a last resort. Some testing with registration has happened already with the committee. The plan is to go live with the workshops and performers in January, February and March is testing and getting ready to go live.
Festival Coordinator Monthly Update (Claire)
- The theme is – Music Dancing Across Borders.
- There was not a good response for volunteers. The call was not posted on Facebook yet. A follow-up post will be written with a target towards specific roles and encouraging intern/shadow positions as discussed in Village meeting. Usually most effective to get volunteers is to have a conversation with individuals.
- First OC meeting to be held Dec 12
- From WOU: campers will not be required to purchase meal plans. No answer yet on meal requirements for dorm room renters staying only one night
- Progress on applications: Teacher/workshop apps are done and proofed. Performer info has not been fully proofed. Targeting January 2 for applications to open.
- Marimba update: Volunteer Paul Hayes has purchased a marimba set Zimfest had been borrowing from a Corvallis person, and has arranged for it to be housed in a Portland school with the expectation that they will be used for Zimfest. Similarly, one is being housed in the Seattle area also to be used for Zimfest. Money has come from matching volunteer hours from his employer. The hope is to borrow two more sets for use at Zimfest 2018; he will provide transportation. 5-6 marimba sets are still needed for Zimfest.
- Working on a Save the Date card – We have an artist already working on graphics.
- Any assistance needed from the board, if applicable at this point: Have some board members reach out to specific folks to help on the OC. Evergreen is still working up figures for 2019. No date reserved yet. We should at least have a place reserved then decide on whether we can hold a festival or not.
Discuss Board’s Guiding Principles on Investing in Assets (Instruments etc.) (All)
Marimba donation program underway. How do we go about purchasing instruments and make these decisions? Started in Jan. 2016 by Margie Smith, she took charge of a set that had been sitting in a school and in bad shape. She put together several work parties to fix them up and a group still uses them with the expectation that they will also be used for Zimfest. 4 single instruments were donated, in addition to one instrument being a hybrid that Margie decided to sell because she didn’t think it was the best for ZF then that money was a donation. A bass and baritone plus other bonus instruments could be helpful to complete the set. Margie takes care of storage, fixing up some instruments and transportation. She currently has a set and a half. She can provide transportation for 1 whole set to the festival but not the other half set. Our comfortable zone is completing the set so that we have 2 full sets.
Is there a way we can encourage festival participants to broaden and branch out to other types of workshops to not be so marimba heavy or for us to need so many marimba sets?
ZF provides a lot of things for attendees of the festival, one perspective questions providing more instead of the community leading, everyone helps out, everyone brings instruments. We are tending more towards a full service festival instead of community lead. Does understand the other side too. It has been much more difficult for people to let us borrow instruments and for them to bring instruments with it being in Oregon. Some feel that the instruments get broken or the use is damaging. Another thought is, ZF owning instruments that are rented out (on an annual basis) and then have then for our use at ZF. This could be for groups who are not ready to invest in their own set. Having these instruments is a way to keep the festival financially stable. Renting could be a source of income. We have been at 7 marimba workshop rooms for several years.
Discuss and Vote on Increasing Registration Fees to $15 (All)
We will increase the registration fee, there were no objections. We are now paying for software, so an increase makes sense. How do we charge the hanger-outers the registration fee?
Fundraising Letter
Next steps – should be ready to go out to the community soon.
Board Calendar for the Remainder of 2017
- Action items to be completed by the year (year-end reporting, fundraising initiatives etc.)
- Claire and Chris will talk about reporting needs.
- Review festival policies in January.
- Goal setting – next time
Next Meeting
January 14th, 6:30pm