November 8, 2015 Zimfest Association Board Meeting Synopsis
Members in Attendance: David Simon, Alex Weeks, Tsitsi Hantuba, Jacqueline Fallon, Dana Moffett, Janis Weeks, Chris Halaska, Rujeko Dumbutshena
Members Absent: Daniel Lockley, Paul Mataruse
Non-voting member in Attendance: Claire Jones
Approval of October 11 Minutes/Synopsis
Review/Modify Agenda
Interview and Decision re: Rujeko Dumbutshena
Rujeko has a passion for connecting with African artists. She sees a value of having gone to Zimfest a long time ago and now recently coming back. She would like to see how we can simplify the ZF organizing to carry over from year to year and have more time for creativity and other planning each year. She accepts her position on the board.
Interview and Decision re: Chris Halaska
First came to Zimfest in 1994 and has been a regular part of his life. Chris accepts a position on the board.
Financial Report (Tsitsi)
We are paying the bill to WOU. We are out of the black this year with expenses vs. income. Last year at this time there was a bigger loss, also projecting into the future. We got a lot of donations last year that helped and a few this year. Some of these donations are matching/giving donations of companies who have Zimfest members. We will take a look in Eugene to see if there are any banks that fit our needs. Reminder that next month is Tsitsi’s last month. Janis agreed to take over the Treasurer’s position for 2016.
Fundraising Opportunities
Grant money is not always guaranteed. What other ideas? Jacqueline has a list that needs to be reviewed to see what can work for Zimfest. Rujeko and Dana will look at the list and present ideas at the next meeting. Could we have a common date for a fundraising event that also helps build the community. Proposal for a band drive. Claire found a grant, Western States Folkfore Society to help bring performers to your event from outside your state or country. You have to know a year and a half in advance where the festival will be and who you want to bring in order to be able to apply. Is there anyone else who would be interested in helping find grants? Non-profit boards approach people with big pockets. Can we start with everyone on the board approaching someone? People have to be excited about giving. Send out annual campaign letter by Dec. 6th. The sub committee will rework the letter.
Strategic Gathering Discussion
Let’s look into January and February for possible dates.
Annual Review of Zimfest Association Policies
Defer until next time for new members to review.
Next Meeting
December 13th