Minutes from the December 12th meeting of the Zimfest Association board of directors have been posted.
Minutes from the December 12th meeting of the Zimfest Association board of directors have been posted.
The Zimfest Association board of directors has posted minutes from the August 1st Membership/Village Meeting and the November 14th board meeting.
Minutes from the October 10th meeting of the Zimfest Association board of directors have been posted.
Minutes from the September 12th meeting of the Zimfest Association board of directors have been posted.
Minutes from the June 13th, July 11th and August 8th meetings of the Zimfest Association board of directors have been posted.
Greetings Zimfest-ers,
Zimfest 2021 starts tomorrow – Friday July 30! We kick off at 2:00 pm PDT with two Live Participatory Workshops on Zoom.
(Zoom meeting access info was posted here)
Hope to “see” you at Zimfest!
Claire and the Organizing Committee
Minutes from the April 11th and May 16th meetings of the Zimfest Association board of directors have been posted.
Minutes from the March 14th meeting of the Zimfest Association board of directors have been posted.
Minutes from the February 7th meeting of the Zimfest Association board of directors have been posted.
Minutes from the January 10th meeting of the Zimfest Association board of directors have been posted.
Minutes from the November 8th and December 13th meetings of the Zimfest Association board of directors have been posted.
Dear Zimfest Community,
With our current treasurer rotating off of the board, we are seeking community member(s) with relevant experience who would be able to volunteer in this extremely important capacity!
Currently, the duties of the treasurer include:
As of right now, these duties are covered by a single board member, but we are open to dividing these roles among multiple people, not all of whom need to be board members; this may help to reduce the workload.
You would also have the support of our current treasurer, Chris Halaska, and other board members, as you transition into this role.
If you are interested, please reach out to .
Thank you,
Alex Weeks
Board President