Zimfest News Blog

Posts by Alex Weeks

LAST CHANCE for a 2023 tax-deductible donation!

Do you want to support Zimfest? Of course you do! Every time you participate in Zimfest you enjoy and experience the fantastic music and culture of Zimbabwe without having to travel to Africa. Think about all the money you have saved on airfare, and consider donating some of it to keep Zimfest going strong for years to come.

The engine that drives the Festival is the Zimfest Association. It consists of a team of dedicated volunteers who put the Festival together. We bring Zimbabwean teachers and artists here to share their music and culture through teaching and performing. Our community is enriched in so many ways, and we are able to provide financial support to Zimbabwean teachers and artists.

A healthy Zimfest Association has the means to provide financial support to Zimbabwean teachers and artists during non-Festival years, too, by presenting online programming. Your support can help provide these opportunities.

Your support also is important for the health of the organization itself, which still incurs fixed operational expenses in non-Festival years. Donations at this time will also help cover the 2023 Festival deficit.

Please consider giving your support to Zimfest Association by giving an end of year tax deductible here.

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Zimfest 2023: survey, lost & found, and volunteer opportunities

Dear Zimfest Community,

Thank you so much for showing up strong at Zimfest 2023!

To all attendees–as well as those who could not make it this year–please complete this survey. Your feedback is greatly appreciated, and helps to improve the festival.

A number of items were left at the festival.  If you are missing anything, please reach out to Janis Weeks janis{at}zimfest{dot}org with a description so that we can return it to you.

Zimfest runs on volunteers; if you have any ability or interest in helping, please reach out here:


Alex Weeks
Board President

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COVID-19 Cases

Dear Zimfest Community,

Be aware that several COVID-19 cases have been reported among participants. We are providing this information so that you can make decisions about your personal safety.

Alex Weeks
Zimfest Board President

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Three Days Until Zimfest

Dear Zimfest Community,

Zimfest is only three days away, and even though we are still processing the loss of Martha Thom Mafuleni, there are a few announcements to make:

Weather/Heat: Corvallis has forecasted highs of 92-96°F (33-36°C) for the entire weekend. Please come prepared with plenty of water and sunscreen for the concerts and a fan for sleeping.

Mosquitos: There may be mosquitos at the outdoor concerts (afternoon, and evening), consider bringing long-sleeved shirts, pants, or insect repellant.

Parking for RVs (and others): There has been a slight change of procedure for those who signed up for RV parking: you will be sent an email with guidance on how and and where to park in the designated lot at Adams Ave. NE, (see map on housing page) and will not have to register online as we were initially told. Those who have registered online for parking in the OSU “B” lots may also park in the same lot.

Village Meeting: This year’s village meeting will be held on Sunday, August 6th, at 9:30am in McNary Dining Center. The Zimfest Association Board and Organizing Committee will share updates, and receive feedback from the community.


Alex Weeks
Zimfest Board President

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COVID-19 Policies for Zimfest 2023

Dear Zimfest Community,

The board has developed a set of policies and recommendations related to COVID-19 safety at Zimfest 2023, which are now available here.

We wanted to make sure that this information was available ahead of the of upcoming deadline for teacher and performer applications. As a reminder, applications are due in just over a week, on February 28th!

Alex Weeks
Zimfest Board President

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Zimfest 2023: New Dates (August 3-6), Teacher/Performer Applications Open!

Dear Zimfest Community,

We previously announced a July date for Zimfest 2023, at Oregon State University in Corvallis, OR. However, after more planning and consultation with our host, we have made the decision to change the dates to August 3rd-6th. We apologize to anyone who is negatively impacted by this change, but feel that it is the best decision for the festival, for the reasons listed below.

The primary reason for this change is that significantly more suitable classroom space is available later in the summer, especially for marimba, hosho, and drumming classes which require sound isolation. Furthermore, we will have exclusive use of our preferred dorm/dining center, because most other conferences on campus wrap up before these dates.

Finally, I am pleased to announce that teacher and performer applications are now open! The application deadline is February 28th.

Please visit teacher application information, and performer application information for details.

Alex Weeks
Zimfest Board President

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Important Zimfest Board Recruitment Message

Dear Zimfest Community,

Every month, the Zimfest Association Board meets to make decisions for our organization, and minutes from these meetings are posted to this blog. Although the board’s work is less visible at times than that of the annual organizing committee, it has the important role of creating policy for Zimfest, and guiding the festival into the future.

In the past, we have reached out to recruit new members, but this time I am writing with a more urgent request for new board members. As of right now, the board consists of 8 members, the minimum required per the rules for 501(c)(3) nonprofits incorporated in the state of Washington.

Several members of the board are leaving in the near future, due to family commitments, and we need to recruit more board members to fulfill this requirement. Furthermore, maintaining a range of tenures on the board, from new to old, is important for a healthy and sustainable organization.

As a board member, you would be expected to attend monthly meetings by Zoom at 6:30 pm Pacific time on the second Sunday of every month, and additionally take on tasks as required between board meetings. There is no formal tenure for board members, but in general we request a commitment to serve for 2 years, to be renewed as long as you have the energy to serve. More information can be found here.

If you are interested in serving as a board member, please reach out to , or me directly at . I’m also happy to schedule a phone call to go into more details, and answer any questions that you have.

Thank you,

Alex Weeks
Zimfest Association President

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Thank You and Village Meeting Reminder

Dear Zimfest Community,

I hope all of you have caught up a bit on sleep, and are travelling home safely.

First of all, thank you to the organizing committee, led by Claire Jones, who pulled off yet another successful festival.  Also, thank you to the numerous people who volunteered in person, and to the Skagit County Fairgrounds, Lincoln Theatre and Mount Vernon Senior Center for hosting us.

As a reminder, the village meeting is scheduled for this Sunday, July 3rd at 2pm Pacific time, by Zoom: Zoom meeting link.

We will discuss various topics including Zimfest Association business, feedback about this year’s festival, and most excitingly plant the seeds for the next Zimfest!

This festival is only possible because of volunteers like you, and the village meeting is a great way to get started if you are interested in helping to organize the next festival, or to serve on the board.

Thank you,
Alex Weeks
Zimfest Board President

Update: Zoom link has been added for the meeting above.

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Village Meeting Scheduled: Sunday, July 3rd at 2pm Pacific time

Dear Zimfest Community,

Please be advised that the Zimfest Association Board will host our annual Membership Meeting (better known as the Village Meeting) on Sunday July 3rd at 2pm Pacific time by Zoom. As this date approaches, we will post an invite link on the website, as well as update this blog post.

Update: Zoom meeting link.

Traditionally, this meeting is held at the festival, but we are holding it virtually this year in order to ensure that everyone can participate, even those who are not able to make it in person this year.

Alex Weeks
President, Zimfest Association Board

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Zimfest Mask Policy

Dear Zimfest Community,

I’m writing to announce that the Zimfest Association Board, based on work by the Covid safety committee, recently adopted a masking policy for Zimfest.  This policy applies to indoor spaces at the Skagit County Fairgrounds, as well as a nearby senior center where some events are held:

We expect all Zimfest participants to mask at all times while indoors at the Festival.  Currently, western Washington is experiencing a second increase of Omicron Covid infections. The highly infectious Omicron Covid variants have demonstrated an ability to evade immunity from vaccines, previous infections, or both. Consequently, we are asking for masking at all times when indoors at Zimfest, using N95, KN95 or surgical masks. Zimfest will have surgical masks available. Teachers may require that all participants in their workshops wear masks. We ask this with consideration, allowing us to include as many at-risk members as possible, and holding the best of intentions for a healthy gathering of our Zimfest community. We will depend on each other to uphold this safety standard, and encourage participants to speak up with reminders or requests for indoor masking.

“Zimfest participants” in this context includes: teachers, performers, workshop participants, indoor volunteers, vendors and workers contracted by Zimfest.

Please plan to bring your favorite style of N95, KN95, or surgical masks with you to the festival. Further details on Covid safety can be found on the Zimfest website.


Alex Weeks
President, Zimfest Association

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[February 28th] Teacher/performer application deadline approaching!

Dear Zimfest Community,

Teacher and performer applications are due by the end of February, which–as the shortest month of the year–means that only 5 days remain!

In order to hold a successful festival, it is vital that a critical mass of teachers and performers apply, so that we can offer a compelling lineup of workshops and performances.

Please review the information below, and submit your applications by next Monday, February 28th:

  • Live performance information here
  • Pre-recorded performance/presentation information here
  • In-person workshop information here

I’m looking forward to seeing as many of you as possible this June at Zimfest 2022!


Alex Weeks
Zimfest Board President

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Zimfest 2022 Announcement

Dear Zimfest Community,

It is with great excitement that I am writing to announce the location and dates for Zimfest 2022, which we plan to hold in-person!.

At this point, I need to stress that we will not be able to move forward without additional help on the Organizing Committee, and many more onsite volunteers. Please see the information below to learn how you can make this festival happen.

Zimfest is scheduled to be held June 24-26, 2022 (Friday-Sunday; possibly also Monday), at the Skagit County Fairgrounds, in Mount Vernon, WA. Evening concerts will be held at the classic Lincoln Theatre, a 10 minute walk away.

Being approximately 1 hour north of Seattle, 30 minutes south of Bellingham, and 1.5 hours from Whidbey Island, Mount Vernon is located at the heart of the Washington State Zimfest community and also has ready access to major airports for those traveling from farther away.

We are still early in the planning process, and with the current state of the COVID-19 pandemic, many aspects of the festival remain uncertain. The board has formed a COVID Safety Committee to make additional recommendations for the Festival, which is likely to include proof of vaccination, and universal masking at all Zimfest events in addition to following local and state guidelines/mandates in place at the time of the Festival.

Finally, I want to thank Claire Jones, Festival Coordinator, and the small group of volunteers who have already stepped up to serve on the 2022 Organizing Committee. This year will require more volunteer involvement during the planning stages due to some unique aspects of the venue.

If you want Zimfest 2022 to move forwards, please contact Claire Jones (claire[at]zimfest[dot]org), or volunteers[at]zimfest[dot]org as soon as possible to learn more about how you can help. The Organizing Committee meets by Zoom, so both local and more distant volunteers are welcome.

We need you to make Zimfest 2022 a success!

Alex Weeks
Zimfest Association Board President

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