Zimfest News Blog

Happy New Era

Dear Zimfest Family,

Following the joyous inauguration of Joe Biden and Kamala Harris, it feels like the new year actually started on January 20, 2021! The “never-ending shade” of the previous administration mostly behind us, here’s hoping we can all see and be the light ahead (Amanda Gorman).

Zimfest joins Pres. Biden and VP Harris in grieving and honoring the 400,000+ Americans lost to COVID-19. Looking ahead to when it might be possible to gather together safely, the conversation has shifted from “when will we have a vaccine” to “when will we reach herd immunity.” Unfortunately, we will not know for quite a while whether large gatherings will be allowed July 28 to Aug. 2, 2021, the weekend penciled in for Zimfest at the Evergreen State College.

A group of Zimfest volunteer organizers will be meeting next week to brainstorm what form(s) Zimfest might take in 2021. If you would like to join us, please email claire{at}zimfest{dot}org. If you would like to volunteer other services, such accounting, graphics or tech expertise, please write board{at}zimfest{dot}org. 

Peace and Unity
Keep on keeping safe

Zimfest Coordinator Claire Jones
Music Dancing Across Borders

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November and December Board Meeting Minutes

Minutes from the November 8th and December 13th meetings of the Zimfest Association board of directors have been posted.

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Ubuntu Free School Fundraiser

Posted on behalf of Moyo and Kuda Mutamba:

What: I Am Because You Are is a storytelling event to support the free education of children in rural Zimbabwe at Ubuntu Free School (www.ubuntuearth.org)

When: 20th of December, 2 pm-3 pm EST (11am – 12 pm PST)

Where: ZOOM
Make a suggested donation of $15 here:
And we will send you a secure Zoom link close to the event date.

Featured Storytellers:

We are excited to have Sage Tyrtle and Dan Yashinsky as our Tellers for our first event.

Sage Tyrtle is a professional storyteller who tells stories all over the world, most recently in India. Her stories have been featured on NPR and CBC radio and she is a multiple-time Moth StorySLAM winner, one-time Moth GrandSLAM winner, who has also appeared on the PBS tv show Stories From The Stage. She is a First Person Arts Story Slam winner and Audience Favourite. She teaches The Art of Storytelling in schools, to individuals, and in corporate settings.
You can learn more about her here:

Dan Yashinsky is a storyteller and writer.
You can learn more about Dan here:

Moyo and Kuda will open and close the event with Mbira Music

For more information about Ubuntu Free School, visit our website: www.ubuntuearth.org

Tatenda/Siyabonga/Thank You

Co-director and Facilitator, Bloom Consulting
Co-Founder Ubuntu Free School ( Free and Holistic Learning for Children in Rural Zimbabwe). Support the Free School here: Support Ubuntu Free School
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Zimfest Holiday Membership Drive

Dear Zimfest Association members and friends,

What a year it has been. While it is probably not going how any of us had hoped, we hope this letter finds you well all the same. The holidays are officially here and with them comes the Zimfest Association’s annual campaign and membership drive! As you know, we made the painful decision not to meet in person this year and, while we had a few excellent online offerings, nothing can compare to meeting up with old friends and teachers and playing beautiful music together. Another unfortunate consequence of forgoing the festival is that the ZImfest Association has taken in little money this year. We want to continue to grow the festival and provide the best experience we can, and here are some ways that you can help.

Become a Member:
To our current members we give our thanks! To the rest of our friends new and old, we hope that this is the year you decide to join our team. It’s so simple, you’ll be done in minutes, just visit our membership page to find the right fit for you. Memberships run through the calendar year and if you renew now, you will be all set for 2021. We have memberships to fit all sorts of needs including discounted student and teacher membership, senior membership, couples, families, and even lifetime membership! With all the different types of membership, there’s sure to be something to fit your budget! As a member, you will have your Zimfest registration fees waived for the year, your dues are tax deductible, and you can even choose to have your names published on the website and in the Festival Guide to show the world that you support Zimfest.

Provide Charitable Donations:
Maybe you’re already a member, but you want to know how you can help out even more? Consider a tax-deductible donation to the Zimfest Association! While membership dues are a significant contributor to our community, your donations have been essential for the festival in the past, and if you donate now, you will be contributing to our shared future. Your money goes straight to things like paying travel expenses for Zimbabwean teachers, paying teachers for performances and workshops, and also to our travel fellowship program which allows us to pay the way for one returning Zimbabwean teacher and one new teacher!

Other Ways to Contribute:
As you’re finishing up your holiday shopping, remember that when you shop on Amazon, you can support Zimfest by choosing the Zimfest Association as the organization you would like to receive 0.5% of the price of your eligible AmazonSmile purchases (more information here). Also, if you’re selling stuff on eBay, you can choose to donate a percentage of the final sales price to the Zimfest Association (more information here). Finally, if your company supports matching donations, find out from your supervisor or Human Resources department how your company can match your contributions, often dollar for dollar!

Whether you’re celebrating Hanukkah, Christmas, Kwanzaa, the Winter Solstice, or Festivus we hope you all have a wonderful holiday season and we can’t wait to see you at our next festival!!


The Zimfest Board

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Treasurer volunteer opportunity

Dear Zimfest Community,

With our current treasurer rotating off of the board, we are seeking community member(s) with relevant experience who would be able to volunteer in this extremely important capacity!

Currently, the duties of the treasurer include:

  • Attending monthly board meetings
  • Preparing the annual budget
  • Accounting/financial reporting
  • Tax filings
  • On-site money management at the festival
  • General financial oversight for the festival

As of right now, these duties are covered by a single board member, but we are open to dividing these roles among multiple people, not all of whom need to be board members; this may help to reduce the workload.

You would also have the support of our current treasurer, Chris Halaska, and other board members, as you transition into this role.

If you are interested, please reach out to .

Thank you,

Alex Weeks
Board President

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September and October Board Meeting Minutes

Minutes from the September 13th and October 11th meetings of the Zimfest Association board of directors have been posted.

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Zimfest Online Viewing Ends Nov 9

Hello Zimfest community,

Here’s hoping that you, like me, are breathing a huge sigh of relief and looking forward to a rosier 2021!

Monday November 9th is the last day to register for the final set of Zimfest Online presentation recordings. If you haven’t taken advantage of our online offerings, take a break from election news and politics in the next two days to learn a bit more about Zimbabwean music and story-telling! Don’t forget to send us feedback on any  presentations you attend by completing the online evaluation form (write us at online{at}zimfest{dot}org if you need help). 

The Zimfest Online Engagement Task Force will be taking a short break before pondering what form Zimfest might take in 2021 as the COVID pandemic continues. If you have ideas for us, please write to online{at}zimfest{dot}org or the ZA Board at board{at}zimfest{dot}org.

Stay well, stay safe, take it easy!

Zimfest Online 



(P.S. – have you seen the newest installment of our Zimfest is Family feature? It includes the newest member of the Zimfest community!)

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Upcoming Zimbabwean Music Online

Hello Zimfest community,

Our friends have notified us of a couple of upcoming online events featuring Zimbabwean musicians:

  • Zambezi Marimba Band – livestream tonight Fri, October 23, 7:30 pm – 8:30 pm Eastern Time (4:30 PDT). Featuring Tendai Muparutsa and the Zambezi Marimba Band of Williams College. For information and the livelink, see: https://events.williams.edu/event/zambezi-marimba-band-livestream/

  • Wamkanganise & Friends! Mbira Concert Sunday, November 1, 2020 at 5 pm PST – 6 pm PST (8 pm EST), hosted on Facebook by Wamkanganise naGaadza (aka Salani) and Kelly Takunda Orphan with musician friends Moeketsi Gibe (South Africa) and Augustine Basa (Zimbabwe). For information see the FB Event page at https://www.facebook.com/events/673018663351571/ and check back for a link to the Youtube stream on the day of the show. This event is part of the Eastman School of Music’s Barbara B. Smith World Music Concert Series. 

Don’t forget we are in the final three weeks of registration for Zimfest Online presentation recordings.

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Final Viewing Period for Zimfest Online

Hello good people,

Today (Oct 19)  is the last day you can register for and view the second set of Zimfest Online recordings. Tuesday October 20 is the beginning of the three-week registration and viewing period for the final three Zimfest Online sessions listed below, ending November 9.  

  • Anesu Ndoro – Animality & Humanity: Zimbabwe’s Folktales As Avenues For Social Reflection

  • Claire Jones – A Social and Acoustic History of the Kwanongoma Marimba in Zimbabwe

  • Tedd Judd – Wrapping the Western Mind, Body, Soul, and Community Around Zimbabwean Music

Check out complete descriptions of all the sessions along with presenter biographies on the Zimfest Online page. Once you register for a recording (donation requested), you will be able to view it at any time you wish during the three-week period it is available.

P.S. Be on the lookout for the next edition of Zimfest is Family, featuring the newest member of the Zimfest Family!  Coming soon!

VOTE          VOTE         VOTE         VOTE         VOTE

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August Board Meeting Minutes

Minutes from the August 19th meeting of the Zimfest Association board of directors have been posted.

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Magaya Memorial Invitation

Posted on behalf of Kutsinhira Cultural Arts Center

Dear Friends,

We at Kutsinhira Cultural Arts Center deeply mourn the passing of the great mbira player Sekuru Cosmas Magaya, our long-time teacher and friend, who died on July 10, 2020, after contracting COVID-19. 

We are planning an International Zoom Memorial to honor Sekuru Magaya on October 10 and invite you to join us. As we are able to accommodate only 250 connections in addition to our presenters, we are asking that you RSVP to let us know that you would like to join (please see instructions below).

The approximately 2.5-hour memorial will take place on Saturday, October 10, 2020, beginning at 10:30 am PDT and at 7:30 pm Harare time. 

Our presenters will include many family members, close friends, hosts, and mbira students who consider Sekuru Magaya to be a major inspiration in their lives.


10:30 am/7:30 pm: Begin slide show accompanied by recordings of Sekuru Magaya, while people connect. We highly recommend joining early to enjoy the beautiful slide show created by Mark Cohen, featuring Sekuru Magaya’s US visits 1998-2018 and accompanied by his solo mbira recording, Anoyimba.

11:00 am/8:00 pm: Brief greeting, introduction. State intention to record.

Opening Prayer by Fradreck Mujuru, live from Zimbabwe

11:15 am/8:15 pm: Musical and spoken tributes, 3-5 minutes each.  Most or all of these will be pre-recorded, and in a pre-set order. We will begin with Magaya family and friends contributing from Zimbabwe.

12:30 pm/9:30pm: (or whenever planned program finishes) – invite other attendees to contribute spontaneously (by request via the Zoom chat box)

Approximately 1:00 pm PDT (10:00 pm Harare time): Closing

If you would like to join us for this event, please fill out the brief registration form at:

If you have any problem accessing the form, you can instead write an email to mkolo{at}kutsinhira{dot}org with your name, email address, brief description of your connection with Cosmas (e.g., “mbira student,” “university host,” “longtime friend,” etc.).  It will be helpful if you can use the form though.

Please do not register again if you have already received an invitation and registered.

We will send you the Zoom link and some helpful Zoom hints 2-3 days before the event.

When you click on that link any time between 10:25am PDT and the end of the Memorial Zoom, you will join in a Waiting Room and soon after admitted to the event by our tech people.

Please do NOT publish this link on social media (Facebook, Twitter, etc.).  If you know of others who would like to attend, please ask them to send us an email requesting the link.

Kutsinhira Cultural Arts Center and the Magaya family retain all rights to the recording of this event, and we plan to share it with those who are unable to attend the live session.

We look forward to sharing this time with you.

Best regards,

Marilyn Kolodziejczyk and Memorial Committee (Tsitsi Hantuba, Lynne Swift, Janis Weeks)

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Zimfest Online 2nd Viewing Period

Dear Zimfest community,

Reminding you that Monday, Sept 28, is the last day you can register for and view the first three Zimfest Online recordings. Tuesday Sept 29 is the beginning of the three-week viewing period for the next four Zimfest Online sessions, ending October 19.  

  • Linos Wengara Magaya with Tim Lloyd – The Role of the Mbira Within Shona Spiritual Culture

  • Jeff Brahe – Fundamentals of African Rhythm: Triplet (12/8) Version

  • Tanga Pasi (Sinini and Pamela Ngwenya) – Tanga Pasi from Zimbabwe to Germany

  • Zivanai Masango – Mvenge Mvenge Dance Party with Zi

The first two are presentations, and registrants this month have let us know they have appreciated being able to view and the study the material at their leisure. The final two, Tanga Pasi and Zi’s Mvenge Mvenge dance party, are concert sessions – enjoy dancing with Zi and Helen! 

Check out complete descriptions of all the sessions along with presenter biographies on the Zimfest Online page. Once you register for a recording (donation requested), you will be able to view it at any time you wish during the three-week period it is available.

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