Minutes from the December 10th and January 14th meetings of the Zimfest Association board of directors have been posted.
Minutes from the December 10th and January 14th meetings of the Zimfest Association board of directors have been posted.
Minutes from the November 12th meeting of the Zimfest Association Board of Directors have been posted.
Minutes from the October 8 meeting of the Zimfest Association Board of Directors have been posted.
Minutes from the September 10 meeting of the Zimfest Association Board of Directors have been posted.
The Zimfest Association board of directors has posted minutes from the July 9th board meeting and this year’s Village Meeting.
Minutes from the June 11 meeting of the Zimfest Association Board of Directors have been posted.
Minutes from the April 16th meeting of the Zimfest Association board of directors have been posted.
Minutes from the March 12th meeting of the Zimfest Association board of directors have been posted.
Minutes from the February 12th meeting of the Zimfest Association board of directors have been posted.
Minutes from the November 13th, December 11th and January 8th meetings of the Zimfest Association board of directors have been posted.
Dearest Zimfest Association Members and friends,
Somehow, 2022 is already trying to sneak out the door, but before 2023 is upon us, I wanted to take a few minutes to let you all know about some exciting things happening in our community.
First and foremost, we are thrilled to announce that Zimfest 2023 is officially a go! The experiment that was Zimfest 2022 taught us many things, but mostly that we really missed seeing our friends and playing wonderful music. After over a decade, we will be returning to Oregon State University in Corvallis on July 21-23 and we hope to see as many of you as possible!
Secondly, you may recall some of the amazing pre-recorded performances both from our online festival in 2021, and between live acts at the Lincoln Theatre in 2022. We received so many amazing videos that we simply couldn’t include all of them. So on December 16th and 17th, we will make them available online for your viewing pleasure. Look for details and registration soon!
And now, I have to take a moment to thank all of our Zimfest Association members! Yes, this was secretly a membership drive all along! There are now almost 100 active members, all of whom allow us to continue working to provide an annual festival while maintaining our connection to the music of Zimbabwe year round! Not a member yet? No problem! Thanks to our streamlined new membership service, it’s easier than ever to join the Zimfest team. Simply go to https://zimfest.org/about/membership. From there, you can follow instructions to become a member, renew a membership, or verify your membership status by plugging in your email address. We now have the option to auto-renew so you can contribute every year without even having to think about it! Please remember that if your membership is more than a year old, you will need to sign up again using our new system. Perks for members include a waiving of the festival registration fee, early access to workshop registration, and even a discount for our upcoming online concert series in December.
“But Daniel, I’m already a member, yet I am compelled, nay, impelled to contribute to Zimfest even more. Whatever can I do??” Great question! There are lots of other ways to contribute. Consider making a tax-deductible donation of whatever amount works for you. Shopping online? When you shop on Amazon, you can support Zimfest by choosing the Zimfest Association as the organization you would like to receive 0.5% of the price of your eligible AmazonSmile purchases. If you’re selling stuff on eBay, you can choose to donate a percentage of the final sales price to the Zimfest Association. Please visit https://charity.ebay.com/charity-auctions/my-causes/ and search for Zimfest! Finally, if your company supports matching donations, find out from your supervisor or Human Resources department how your company can match your contributions!
Whatever you may be celebrating this year, we hope you have a wonderful holiday season, and we look forward to seeing as many of you as possible at our online event next month, and in Oregon next summer!
Membership questions? Please contact me at:
Daniel Lockley
Zimfest Association board member and Membership Queen on behalf of the The Zimfest Board
Minutes from the September 11th and October 9th meetings of the Zimfest Association board of directors have been posted.