Zimfest News Blog

Posts Tagged "membership"

Zimfest Registration and Memberships

We have had a tremendous response since Zimfest registration went live last week! Some of our marimba workshops are already filling up and we have added a second session of one at the Advanced beginner level. We would love to see more people enrolling in classes on other instruments besides marimba, and have added a guitar workshop to be taught by Matt Gordon. We also have many tremendous offerings in dance and cultural presentations. You can find announcements of these and all future workshop changes at the Festival Updates and Workshop Changes page.

For those of you who have been frustrated trying to purchase a Zimfest membership, the link to the Membership and Donations page has been repaired! Membership in the Zimfest Association gives you a waiver on the festival registration fee and helps support the Association and festival itself. We are grateful for any donations (all tax-deductible) above the cost of membership.

Join us at Zimfest 2015
Enduring Rhythms ~ Gathering in Harmony

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Zimfest Annual Fundraising Campaign & Membership Drive

Dear Zimfest Association Friends and Members:

We hope that you are all doing well and have already marked your calendars for August 13-16th, 2015 for the next Zimbabwean Music Festival which will be held at Western Oregon University in Monmouth, Oregon. Our festival coordinator, Claire Jones, is in the process of recruiting an organizing committee. Please reach out to her at if you are able to help.

In addition, the board is recruiting new members and officers–and particularly looking for one or more individuals with financial skills. Please contact us to learn more at . We also encourage you to review recent board activities on the Zimfest blog.

This is the second year of our Annual Campaign and Membership Drive. As noted last year, no organization can survive without financial support, and the Zimfest Association is no different. While the annual festivals provide some income to the Association, these funds are unpredictable and are insufficient to sustain and grow the Association. For example, in 2014 the festival did not turn a profit and lost roughly $2500. For this reason, the Association was not able to make charitable donations to other organizations which support Zimbabwe.

Become a Member of the Zimfest Association

Beginning last year, we changed the way membership to the Zimfest Association is handled. The term of membership now runs for a full calendar year from January 1st until December 31st. Our goal is to have all recurring Zimfest participants be members of the organization. The minimal fee of $25 will allow a Regular member to attend the festival without paying a registration fee of $12. In addition to Regular memberships, Family, Couple, Teacher and Lifetime memberships are also available. Members may choose to have their names published on the website and in the Festival Guide. Please refer to the Membership page to renew or initiate a membership. It is our hope that a healthy dialogue about the festival and association can emerge from a membership that feels a sense of ownership in the Zimfest Association.

Provide Charitable Donations to the Zimfest Association

While fees from membership are a great start, our long term financial stability will take more money than membership fees alone can raise. For this reason, we are also soliciting tax-deductible donations to the Zimfest Association. Over the past year, we raised nearly $10,000 in donations which have proven invaluable to ensure our financial health. Please consider a donation to help the Association continue its efforts to put on the best Zimbabwean music festival in North America. Your contributions really do make a difference! If your company supports matching donations, please don’t forget to complete the paperwork which would allow your company to match your contribution–often dollar for dollar.

We hope that you will seriously consider becoming a member of the Zimfest Association for the 2015 calendar year, as well as making or enabling a charitable contribution. If each Zimfest member can find a willing donor within your extended network we will be well on our way towards sustainability! Your contributions are tax-deductible either in the 2014 or 2015 tax year, depending on when you make your payment. Please visit our Membership and Donation page on our website for instructions on how to make a contribution.

Finally, we’d like to remind you of two ways that you can donate to Zimfest on a ongoing basis. First, when shopping on Amazon you can support Zimfest by choosing Zimfest Association as the organization you would like to receive 0.5% of the price of your eligible AmazonSmile purchases (see blog post Support Zimfest When You Shop at Amazon.com). Also, for anyone who sells items on EBay, you can choose to donate a percentage of the final sales price to the Zimfest Association. See http://givingworks.ebay.com/charity-auctions/my-causes for more information.

Thanks for all that you do to make Zimfest a success.

Best wishes for a wonderful holiday season…
—The Zimfest Association Board

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Note to Teachers Bringing Student Groups

Visiting groups of children are welcome at Zimfest! If you are a classroom teacher, or summer school or camp leader wanting instruction in Zimbabwean music or dance and a fun time for your class, bring them to the festival to enjoy the music and marketplace and take a workshop or two. We offer a one-time Teacher Membership ($60) that allows a waiver on registration fees ($12 each) for groups of up to 20, ages K-12. The Teacher Membership is intended to encourage newcomers to the festival, so at least 50% of your group should be first-time Zimfest attendees to qualify for the registration fee waiver; specific workshop fees will still apply. Email teachers (at) zimfest {dot} org for information and assistance. Festival staff can also help with group enrollments and setting up private workshop sessions.

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Zimfest Annual Campaign and Membership Drive

Dear Zimfest Association Friends and Members:

We hope that you are all doing well and are planning to join us for another amazing Zimfest next year at the University of Puget Sound from July 24 through July 27th. The organizing committee is already hard at work with detailed planning for the festival. In parallel, the Zimfest Association Board has been busy creating a stronger and more sustainable organization. We encourage you to review what we’ve been up to on the Zimfest blog which can be found at https://zimfest.wordpress.com.

Call to Action!

We are writing at this time to solicit your help. No organization can survive without financial support, and the Zimfest Association is no different. While the annual festivals provide some income to the Association, these funds are unpredictable and are insufficient to sustain and grow the Association. For example, in 2013 the festival made less than $1500 in profits, which greatly limited the funds available to pay our Zimfest coordinator, pay our festival musicians and make charitable donations to other organizations which support Zimbabwe. For this reason, we have instituted an aggressive strategy aimed at raising money via other means. With this letter, we are inaugurating our first Annual Campaign and Membership Drive.

Become a Member of the Zimfest Association

This year, we have changed the way that membership to the Zimfest Association is handled. Beginning January 1st, the term of membership will run for a full calendar year until December 31st. Our goal is to have all recurring Zimfest participants be current members of the organization. The minimal fee of $25 will allow a Regular member to attend the festival without paying a registration fee of $12. Members may choose to have their names published on the website and in the Festival Guide. It is our hope that a healthy dialogue about the festival and association can emerge from a membership that feels a sense of ownership in the Zimfest Association.

Provide Charitable Donations to the Zimfest Association

While fees from membership are a great start, if we hope to be an organization that will continue to put on festivals for years to come, it will take more money than membership fees alone can raise. For this reason, we are also soliciting tax-deductible donations to the Zimfest Association. While we would ideally like to see each member who is able to renew their membership also make a donation, we realize that our fund-raising efforts often go no farther than the same group of generous donors. Therefore, we are asking each of you to refer a friend or acquaintance to our donations page. Is there someone in your circle of friends or extended family who is familiar with Zimfest, has enjoyed performances by our Zimbabwean guests, or has seen how enriching your involvement in the music has been? If so, ask that person to make a donation to help support Zimbabwean musicians and assist Zimfest on its path towards a sustainable infrastructure.

We hope that you will seriously consider becoming a member of the Zimfest Association for the 2014 calendar year, as well as making or enabling a charitable contribution. If each Zimfest member can find a willing donor we will be well on our way towards sustainability! Your contributions are tax-deductible either in the 2013 or 2014 tax year, depending on when you make your payment. Please visit our Membership and Donation page on our website at http://zimfest.org/membership for instructions on how to make a contribution.

Thanks for all that you do to make Zimfest a success. Happy Holidays…

—The Zimfest Association Board

P.S. Zimfest Association Donations to Charities

This year, Zimfest is pleased to announce our support for five non-profit organizations working in Zimbabwe. The Savannah Arts Center, based in the neighborhood of Mbare, on Harare’s southern edge, will receive a donation of $500. Savannah Arts Center has a past history of participating in Zimfest, and sent a small group of musicians to perform at our festival in 2000. The other four projects and organizations will receive grants of $250 each. These are MBIRA, Tariro, the Jangano Club for teaching mbira in schools, administered through Ancient Ways, and the Chinhoyi High School Project, administered through Kutsinhira’s Zimbabwe Community Development Project.

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Announcing Zimfest 2014 and Zimfest Association Blog

Dear Zimfest Association Membership and Participants:

We hope that this communication finds you well. It’s been a few months since the amazing Zimfest in Tacoma! Since then the board has been working hard to begin planning Zimfest 2014. We have finally set a location and date for Zimfest 2014 – which will be held at the University of Puget Sound in Tacoma, WA from July 24-27th. We will send out more information with details in the next month or two.

In the meantime, we’d like to make you aware of several important items:

1) We’ve decided to setup a blog which will be used by the board to communicate with Zimfest membership. The blog is at zimfest.wordpress.com. You will be able to subscribe to the blog by clicking on the link on the right-hand sidebar. Once subscribed, you will receive an e-mail whenever we post to the blog. Among other things, we will be posting regular synopses of Zimfest board meetings on this site which can be reviewed by anyone interested. In addition, we are hoping that this blog will become a mechanism for members to provide regular feedback to the board.

2) We hope to access the skills and talents of the community through a more vibrant volunteer coordination mechanism. Please keep your eyes out for an email from our new Zimfest Association Volunteer coordinator, Lisa McKerlick, with more details on how this will work and the type of assistance that we’re seeking.

3) We are pleased to announce that Claire Jones has accepted the position of Zimfest coordinator for 2014. This is a part-time, paid position in which Claire will be the point-person for Zimfest 2014. In addition to coordinating and heading the organizing committee, Claire will be working to raise grant monies and spearhead an annual giving campaign to help make Zimfest more sustainable.

4) With the recent resignation of MyLinda King from the board for personal reasons, there are now 6 active board members as listed below.

Tsitsi Hantuba – Treasurer
Jennifer Kyker-Bangoura – Member at Large
Paul Mataruse – Member at Large
Amy Robinson – Secretary
David Simon – President
Alex Weeks – Member at Large

Ideally, we would like to recruit 1-2 additional board members over the coming month or two. If you are interested in joining the board, please send a letter expressing your interest to the board at . Alternatively, if you are aware of individuals who you believe might have the skills and interest in joining the board, please let us know at .

5) We would like to grow our Zimfest Association membership to accurately reflect the number of people/families that enjoy Zimfest year after year. Starting in 2014, annual memberships should be renewed at the start of the calendar year. We are planning to conduct the membership drive and the above mentioned annual giving campaign at the same time early in the year. An active membership will still entitle you to waive any registration fees for that year’s Zimfest. If you renewed your membership after Zimfest 2013 your term will automatically run from Jan. 2014 to Dec. 31st 2014. Please mark your calendars to join or renew your ZA membership in January. You can do this online at www.zimfest.org/membership (make sure you scroll all the way down). If you have questions please contact MyLinda King at .

We look forward to a vibrant dialog between the board and the Zimfest community. We hope that this email finds you all well.

–The Zimfest Association Board of Directors

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