February 9, 2020 ZA Board Meeting Minutes

February 9, 2020 Zimfest Association Board Meeting Synopsis

Members in Attendance: Daniel Lockley, Jacqueline Fallon, Chris Halaska, Tendai Muparutsa, Drew Turner, Mandy Walker-LaFollette, Janis Weeks, Alex Weeks
Members Absent: none
Non-voting member in attendance: Claire Jones

Review Agenda (All)

Nov. and Dec. Minutes/Synopsis approved. Ready to post.

Approve January Minutes/Synopsis (All)

Minutes: Approved
Synopsis: Approve by email

Tech Committee Update (Janis)


  1. Zimfest needs an official privacy policy – should follow guidelines in GDPR & CCPA (e.g., https://www.natlawreview.com/article/new-washington-state-privacy-bill-incorporates-some-gdpr-concepts). TechComm recommends that the Board consult an attorney in this process.
  2. Board should have a policy on who has admin status in G Suite. Default policy is currently TechComm members + Festival Coordinator + an account. The board approves.

Website has migrated to a new host. It should be invisible to us. Alex had been hosting it and now it is in some other provider’s space.

Festival Coordinator Contract Follow-Up (Alex/Claire)

Review contract and pay structure for Festival Coordinator contract.

We don’t have a calendar for board things, there are some topical calendars. Action item to create a board calendar along with the financial calendar that currently exists.

Background Check Follow-Up (Janis & All)

(1) Cost of background checks for residents. 2019 prices: Zimbabwe ($150, 5 d); South Africa ($274, 45-60 d); UK ($128, 15-20 d); Canada, ($50, 5 d).

Use references for applicants from other countries and not pay for background checks. Only pay for new Canadian and US applicants.

(2) All board members should complete a background check per policy.

Treasurer’s Report (Chris)

No report yet.

Review ZA Policies (All)

Added that our documents are now kept in a shared Google drive. Added ZF Code of Conduct. Add a piece in the travel policy reimbursement about the distinction between Visa types. Approved all and any changes.

Zimfest 2020 Update (Claire)

  • Applications: Lots of new and old Zimbabweans. Not very many American bands or teachers, yet.
  • Evergreen:
    • There will be single and double rooms available, as well as single rooms as part of 4 and 6 bedroom apartments.
    • We don’t have much flexibility in meal times, especially dinner. If we request time over what they provide, it is $60 per meal for each 15 minutes past 6 to pay overtime for workers who normally finish at 6.
    • TESC Conference Services agrees to co-sponsor Zimfest, sign B1 letters of invite.
  • Donated instruments:
    • Drums will be available for workshop use at this year’s festival.
    • There is a second set of donated marimbas. The bass is being renovated and the cost split between us and Seattle Prep where they will be housed. There are 4 sopranos – anyone have a tenor?
  • Winning designs have been selected, one for postcard and poster, second for tee shirts. Let Claire know if you want a stack of cards mailed to you, otherwise we will make files available for people to print as many as they want.
  • There was a suggestion to have a tribute concert (hour-long) in honor of Tuku, maybe Chi. Could be lunchtime or Sunday evening, depending on how scheduling works out.
  • Review a sponsorship letter for a local volunteer to use for Olympia businesses.

Next Meeting

Sunday March 8th, 6:30 pm Pacific time on Google Hangouts

One Comment on “February 9, 2020 ZA Board Meeting Minutes

  1. Lynn Wyckoff says:

    If there is a tribute concert, it would be wonderful to also add a song or two by Dorothy Masuka, who passed away last year. It seems that not many people know her music, but she was a marvelous Zimbabwean artist In the same vein as Miriam Makeba.